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After almost 6 years of living in this big ol’house, we are FINALLY renovating our main level fixer upper bathroom!!  Can you tell that I am just a little excited? Not only that; I am also beyond thrilled to have partnered and be taking part in Wayfair’s 1 Room Renovation challenge with this renovation! Wayfair carry’s such a huge selection of beautiful products which made it very easy to come up with a plan for this space, all from the comfort of my home!

There are some simple steps I always swear by to make all my renovations easier.  I thought I would share those with you, along with my plans and product for this upcoming renovation! Take a peek below at my 5  Tips For A Fixer Upper Bathroom Renovation!



Prioritize the Space


Whether you are working with a small or a large area, or a fixer upper vs. a new build, you need to write down your priorities from highest to lowest! This will help you in the decision-making process throughout the entire bathroom renovation project.



 For us, a bathtub and shower in this space is a must! We only have two bathrooms in this big ol’house and unfortunately, they are both pretty itty bitty. As much as I would have loved to leave this bathroom as a half bath, my husband had a tub/shower as his highest priority for this room. I wanted it to stay true to the age and style of the home and I found both my beautiful freestanding tub and polished chrome faucet on Wayfair!

The tub size was going to be tricky but with the huge selection they have on there I found it right away! I also found the most beautiful polished chrome shower faucet that should look gorgeous.


We also had to decide on the placement of the door entering into this space. Currently, the door comes right off the kitchen! The decision was made to move the door to enter under the stairs so that it no longer comes right off the kitchen. Which brings me to my next point in this fixer upper renovation process.



Map it Out

Measure, tape and measure again! When you are lucky enough to be able to physically stand in the space you are going to renovate, take advantage and measure out your plan!

So many times people I know who have completed a new build only to say, it’s much smaller or larger in here than they thought it was going to be! Measure every item that you plan to put in the space out and tape it out on the floor or walls prior to the renovation starting.



My new vanity is going to be an old desk with a gorgeous vessel sink from Wayfair. This beautiful faucet that fits true to the age of the home from Wayfair and a gorgeous vessel sink  will be the perfect addition!

I love that it has the soap dish on top for a little bit of added detail! Ok on to the next tip!


Write It Down

Begin a good ol’Execl spreadsheet! Have a Budget in place, but just know that when taking on a fixer upper bathroom renovation you need to plan for the unknown!!  Putting all of my project information into a spreadsheet is important. Keeping it organized and to be able to find any information I need quickly and to reference if I am staying within budget as I go. Make sure to keep website links to products and pricing quotes/invoice amounts all in this spreadsheet!



Leave a column for the renovation schedule, timing of product arrival and contractors start /completion dates. You don’t want to be the one holding up your renovation due to poor time management.




Be Practical

Walk through your routine in this space. Do you do your makeup here, your hair??? Or do you want it to attach to a closet? Is there enough room to put a linen closet? Think through a typical day for this space and what you will need to require to be functional.



If you are using it for any of these things, you will want to think about the lighting. I chose to go with two gorgeous Edison bulb sconces and an antique chandelier for the center of the room!



Storage – Never overlook the need for storage in a bathroom! This is one element I am not going to have a lot of no matter what I plan for! The space is small! I’m choosing to go with a piece of furniture rather than a traditional vanity. There is a ton of storage right outside this space that I will be able to use for holding toiletries and such! I also purchased a beautiful antique basket to go under the vanity. The basket can hold items such as towels and toilet paper.




Waterproof – If there is one space you want to go overboard on the tile on, this would be it! As much as I love a beautiful hardwood floor, it is much more practical in a fixer upper bathroom renovation to go with a tile of sorts!




Make it a Sanctuary

Unless you’re a Kardashian, this space is probably not going to be the biggest room in your home. However, it can still have a big impact on your day to day. Chose finishes that complement each other and that you are drawn to. I found a beautiful vintage chandelier at an antique shop. The chandelier is going to hang in front of the bath tub. Gorgeous marble Carrera tile will be carried through out the space!

The mirror is from Wayfair and I love that it will complement the colour of the chandelier, the Edison bulb sconces and the toilet paper roll holder. Don’t be afraid to mix your metals like I am going to, when it’s done well it looks amazing!!


As you can tell I am very excited that this renovation is finally happening! Rest assured, I will post more progress as I go along with the project. My hope is that those of you who are going to be renovating a similar space in your home soon, will find this post useful and can take something away from it for your own renovation. Also, if your fixer upper bathroom is as small as mine, you might also want to check out the post on storage saving solutions HERE


It’s fun to change things up in the bathroom for the seasons! Check out how Rachel from The Ponds Farmhouse refreshed her bathroom for Spring!

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