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While Hygge is often synonymous with the cozy feeling of winter, this Danish concept of simple living can be applied to all seasons. Something as simple as spending time in nature can help create hygge in the summer. So if you’re looking for ways to incorporate a simpler lifestyle, I’ve compiled a few reasons why we love to hygge in the summer with specific examples to help you get started.

Summer is one of my favorite times of the year to decorate our home. I thought it would be a great way to share my summer home tour with all of you while also giving you tips on how to achieve the look. I love incorporating coziness in our home all year long, and summer is no exception.

If you are coming here from Suzy, Worthy Court Blog, Welcome!

Historic victorian home with flowers lining the steps.

Why We Love Hygge In The Summer

Hygge style is a Danish concept that can be hard to define in English. Rather, it’s a feeling of well-being. While it’s a Danish word, it actually translates from Norwegian to “well-being”. But, it’s more than just the style in a home, it’s a lifestyle that encourages an all-around well-being through a simplified lifestyle and home.

For the winter, this means creating spaces that are cozy and comforting; spaces that make you feel at peace. For the summer, it’s the same goal – to create a sense of peace. And if you think about when you feel most at peace during the fun activities of the summer, it’s probably while hiking in nature or sitting outside for a summer bonfire under the stars or just the act of spring cleaning.

So to create hygge in the summer, we want to encourage these slow moments of calm but while enjoying all that summer has to offer.

7 Ways To Incorporate Hygge In The Summer

Beyond the basics of hygge like using neutral tones and layers of comfort, here are a few more ways to embrace the simple pleasures in life through hygge.

1. Bring The Outdoors In

There is nothing more lovely than when the afternoon sun shines on spring blossoms on the table. To bring hygge to your home, display seasonal fresh flowers throughout. Flowers like lilacspeonies, wild flowers, and sunflowers add a pop of natural color and are the perfect way to create a feeling of coziness.

A porch swing with flowers underneath and a lady sitting on the swing.

I am fortunate to have an abundance of peonies every year, and I love to bring as many fresh-cut blooms as I can. (See how I make fresh flower food) I also love to dry peonies and hang them as decor for the summer months.

Pink peonies in a vase next to a white sink.

2. Create A Cozy Atmosphere

This is one of the essential concepts of hygge. You can create a cozy space for the summer months by replacing wool rugs with natural textures and linen throws.

Even something like hanging your straw sun hat up as a display but also in a convenient place to grab it on your way outside helps to simplify and create a cozy atmosphere. It really is the little things that help create hygge moments during these warmer months.

I always love to display practical items that can also be used for the season. Linen aprons, French market baskets, and vintage containers are just a few favorites. Shop all of these simple decor items in my Garden Market and the B Vintage Style Shop.

A dinning table with a linen table cloth and a straw hat hanging on a chair.

3. Surround Yourself With Calmness

While it’s called spring cleaning, the decluttering process can continue into the summer. Swap out any winter gear for sandals and swimsuits and just try to declutter your home room by room. I also try to limit buying all the summer material possessions, especially since we spend most of our time in our tiny house cabin during these months.

Simplicity in your home decor will always bring a sense of calmness to your home. Display fresh flowers in apothecary bottles and other vintage decor and containers. I grow extra flowers in my garden to snip a few and bring them indoors.

A lady reading on a couch.

4. Add Hygge to Outdoor Spaces

It’s no secret that everyone’s outdoor time increases exponentially during the summer months. Not only are flowers and plants blooming, but so are we! To enjoy the outdoors even more, you can incorporate hygge into your outdoor spaces with string lights, a fire pit (or outdoor fireplace), and a cozy outdoor dining area or patio to host a dinner party by a warm fire.

An outdoor table with purple flowers on top.

5. Spend Time In Nature

This is the easiest and most accessible way to incorporate hygge into your daily life. You can go for a hike, have a picnic at a local park, enjoy a summer night at local outdoor concerts, or pick seasonal berries or wildflowers – anything to get outside is a great way to soak up fresh air. You can also enjoy a bonfire under the stars or make pizza outside while watching the sunset.

We are so fortunate to have some beautiful blooming trees on our property and one of our favorite spring activities is to have a picnic under the blooming apple tree and listen to the bees buzz above us. It is so relaxing and the perfect way to spend an afternoon or evening.

A girl sitting on a blanket having a picnic in front of a white Victorian home with her dog.

6. Enjoy the Flavors of the Season

This is what brings me the most joy and essence of hygge – the summer flavors like fresh fruit and fresh herbs! Flavors like fresh berries and mint or fresh vegetables like zucchini or carrots are all flavors that spark the comfort of summer.

If you want some recipes to get you started, try my rhubarb crumbleraspberry scones, or strawberry cheesecake. My crunchy pickled carrot recipe is always a favorite, too. And don’t worry, if you don’t grow your own produce, you can find tons of it at your local farmer’s market!

Carrot in jars on a table.

6. Grow Something

I think I’ve asked my friends and neighbors a thousand times at this point “What are you growing this year”. There’s a shared excitement for what new plants and vegetables we each will attempt to grow and in turn share with each other. Because while tending to a garden gets you outside and offers a way to calm the mind, it also brings people together when you get to share the produce or flowers with loved ones. And togetherness is something I would consider essential to our well-being, or hygge.

Flowers in a vintage container on a kitchen island.

I hope you enjoyed these tips on how to add Hygge in summer. It is all about learning to enjoy the little things that make your home and life happier.

Please also tour my dear friend, Jayne from Chalking Up Success blog beautiful homes in the summertime.

A big shoutout to Marty from A Stroll Thru Life for organizing another amazing lineup of seasonal home tours. Marty is so awesome for putting these tours together for us a few times each year. You’re bound to find some home inspiration—there’s something for everyone!

More Summer Inspiration

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  1. Your home is so pretty and filled with many beautiful textures, Deborah. You’ve definitely captured the essence of summer with your light and breezy decorating style. I can’t believe how many beautiful peonies you have! I have one plant that is flowering for the first time this year, with all of two flowers! I think I have a long way to go before I can make a pretty bouquet like yours! #peoniegoals lol! Thanks for the lovely tour, and happy summer to you.

    1. Thank you Jayne! I appreciate the kind comment! Yes peonies are a favorite in my home during the summer months. I can’t wait for them to start blooming this season!

  2. Deborah, your home is beautiful and your peonies are absolutely stunning! Sigh! I enjoyed reading your hygge tips for summer and it is a pleasure to join you for the Summer Tour. Pinned! Blessings, Cecilia @ My Thrift Store Addiction

  3. Every time I see a photo of your home my heart settles into a slow rest that is so peaceful. I adore how serene everything is and the pops of color don’t overwhelm the feeling. With a world going crazy it seems like a magnificent place to be. So enjoyed touring with you this week. Happy summer.

  4. Deborah, I never think consciously about incorporating hygge into my home, I love the look and feel it creates so maybe it’s an unconscious style. Your flowers and white decor is one of my favorites. Your outdoor spaces (love the porch swing!) are perfect for summer dreaming. Thanks for sharing. Happy summer.

    1. Thank you for such a kind comment Carol. I hope it inspired you to try incorporating a few Hygge elements this year for summer.

  5. Great tips and a beautiful tour! Your photography is amazing and you’ve really captured the feel of the sweet summer season! So nice to tour with you!

  6. So many wonderful ideas. I am so inspired. Your images are so soothing and peaceful. It’s truly a joy to be on tour with you!