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 Farmhouse Laundry Room 

Laundry rooms need to be both practical and functional, but what about a place you WANT to spend time in? Using the right laundry room decor will help make a daunting task not so bad! Here are 5 farmhouse laundry room décor ideas that will help to make your space both practical and pretty! For more farmhouse style inspiration, check out these spaces done in farmhouse chandeliers and shiplap.


5 Farmhouse Laundry Room Décor Ideas

laundry white and wood decor

 7 years ago, I renovated what was then the kitchen in the second apartment unit in this house into what is now my laundry room! I used salvaged tin that had been pulled out of a pool hall in Yorkton Saskatchewan for the door fronts and handmade a beautiful antique dolie light fixture.

laundry room decor beforeoriginal Laundry space

original kitchen space

before laundry

laundry after the first renovation

Over the years though, this space was proving to just not be what I had hoped or wanted! It had a ton of unnecessary and under utilized storage as well as the fixture had taken a beating when the attic had been renovated as everyone came and went for the reno. It was time for a REFRESH!

laundry room and lilacs

In the winter, I was forever hanging laundry throughout my home and found I didn’t have a good space for it anywhere. That is when I decided to add it into this years renovation and it turned out so much better than expected! 

Try this step-by-step tutorial on how to make a ceiling-mounted hanging clothes drying rack.

Being able to hang clothes outdoors like I did with her Grandma was something I wanted to be able to do.  The clothesline is right outside the door making it super convenient to hang clothes outdoors to dry. 

You can also check out mudroom and tips on a functional mudroom HERE.  

laundry room and mudroom

Another feature that is great in a laundry room are built in laundry baskets. While they don’t hold all of the dirty clothes they are great for the muddy clothes from the family when they come from outside, or dirty dish towels and rags that you don’t want to mix in with your clothing. 

Here are a few of the tips and décor ideas to use when decorating laundry rooms.

Cover it with a curtain

 Conceal any under the sink or counter mess with fabric or linen curtain! This is an easy and inexpensive fix to pull your laundry room together quickly and make it look great! Bonus, it even adds a little texture to your laundry room decor.  Both of us have covered areas of our laundry room this way.

Below shows a vintage piece of linen to cover the area that the cats litter box is in. This allows allows the cats to come and go as they please and ventilation for the space too.

litter box solutions

 I built a custom cabinet that now holds all my laundry needs and then some! I used some of the leftover shiplap that I had from the wainscoting in the studio room and added a marble top to the cabinet! A simple piece of scrap white linen is used to cover the space.

laundry cabinet

Safety pins are added to the linen as hooks and then small j hooks are added to the cabinet. It’s a simple way to hook and unhook the curtain whenever necessary. 

Simple Storage

  Organize your space with practical items, like using glass jars to hold your laundry detergents or attractive baskets instead of plastic hampers! This will give you a functional and beautiful laundry room decor that won’t have to changeout with the seasons!

Drying rack and laundry basket

If you have the space, add three baskets! One for whites, darks and colors! It will make your laundry so much easier to do when it comes time to washing!

Hang it up

 Lots of people love to hang clothes to dry, however they are forever pulling out stand up drying racks! Vertical drying space is often overlooked in a laundry room! Hanging a line or a rack is both practical and can be very attractive too!

laundry room decor hanging rack

I has a vintage drying rack that she cut down to size to fit the space and used a ladder in the laundry room as well! Both girls have added some vintage coat hangers that they found on their trip to France to hang laundry from. It’s amazing how much use these drying racks get, when something is ready and available in your home, you are so much more likely to use it! These hanging racks also add such pretty, eye catching detail to any laundry room decor! 

Laundry Hanging Drying Rack 


  • Ladder or drying rack
  • Chain for hanging
  • Set of Ceiling Hooks 
  • Attractive Coat Hangers
  • You may require a second set of hooks for the drying rack if it doesn’t have any already.
  • Measure and cut your rack to fit the space as desired
  • Attach the hooks into the ceiling! You may need to find the trusses for this if you plan to hang anything too heavy like jeans or bedding.  Reinforce the hooks if you need to!
  • Now it’s as simple as attaching the chain to the drying rack. If your rack doesn’t have hooks on it already (Deb’s did) then you will need to attach some. Decide on your desired length from the ceiling and your all set.
  • Add hangers and enjoy air dried fresh laundry!

laundry room decor market basket

 This isn’t the only way to add a line to your laundry room though, even hanging a shelf with a line underneath or suspending a pipe from the wall works too! The options are actually endless. Even peg racks can be used for hanging some laundry and also be a useful tool to hold other objects like buckets of cloth pins!

Durability is best

The surfaces and materials you use in a laundry room should be similar to that of a bathroom. Metals, tiles and stone all hold up to water and provide durability. If you have the space, try to add a countertop to fold your laundry! Even one directly above the appliances will give you great use of your space. 

Add a Sink to the space

laundry room

This is the laundry room from the place I stayed in while in France! Isn’t this sink and drying post gorgeous!

This is a no brainer! If you have the space, there is nothing more convenient than a sink in a laundry room. Letting your stains soak or being able to scrub out the tough ones makes a huge difference in your washing. This doesn’t need to be unattractive though, adding beautiful vintage basin, is the perfect way to make your laundry room décor look beautiful and in an affordable way! 

galvanized sink in laundry room

 I hope you enjoyed these tips and go away with a plan on how to make your laundry space one that you love to spend time in! As always, I would love to hear your thoughts and if you have any tips on beautiful laundry room décor! Leave me a comment below or send me an email! 

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